Customized Grants Training
- Managing Federal Grants
- Detecting & Preventing Fraud on Federal Grant Projects
- DOL Performance Monitoring & Follow-up Strategies
- Understanding Federal Grant Life-cycles
- Basic Project Management Strategies
- Process & Communication Mapping Techniques to Solve Social Problems at Scale
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training
Grant Review & Analysis
- Review grant documents and develop an on-site monitoring plan
- Identify potential findings, areas of concern, and positive practices
- Develop written reports and provide assistance in resolving potential findings and areas of concern
- Review of grant documentation and development of risk assessment document
- Post-review conferences with lead institution
Grant Compliance & Reporting
- Provide forms and tools for collection of monthly programmatic and participant performance
- Preparation & Submission of Quarterly Narrative Report (QNR) & Performance Report (QPR)
- Provide technical assistance as related to reporting requirements.
- Facilitate on-site or virtual Corrective Action Planning (CAP) Sessions
- Review all grant deliverables, objectives, and performance measures.
- Develop strategic plan and timeline for completion